How it Works

The premise behind why a wet space is not conducive to fire

Rooftop sprinklers are a proven method of improving the chances that a building will survive a wildfire, according to various studies.

When rooftop sprinklers are activated, they spray water high up into the air, which lands on the roof, trees, and other surfaces within range. Some of the water evaporates, which increases the relative humidity while reducing temperatures in the microclimate. The microclimate is the area right around where the sprinklers are located. Increased humidity and reduced temperatures make the microclimate less conducive to fire. Sprinklers should be activated far in advance of when a fire is anywhere near the building. Assuming, for example, that three sprinklers output five gallons per minute of water, that is 15 gallons per minute. After one hour, that is 900 gallons of water spread over a large area. After five hours, that is 4,500 gallons of water spread over a large area. It takes a long time for sprinklers to distribute thousands of gallons of water, and every application is different in terms of the amount of water that will be distributed per minute or per hour.

Note: A fire hose can output 100 to 300 gallons per minute and is usually operated by an experienced and trained professional.

This sprinkler system will distribute water over your property if: installed correctly, activated in advance, and assuming water is flowing to the sprinklers. Rooftop sprinklers will continue to operate without supervision. Always immediately evacuate a building in case of fire. Never stay inside of a building in case of fire. Always evacuate based on instructions from government authorities.

Temperatures in the attic, in the building, and in the surrounding area will drop. Wet roofs, trees, and structures are less likely to ignite when a hot ember lands on them. The cumulative effect of the huge influx of water is not guaranteed to stop a fire from causing damage, but it can greatly reduce the chances of fire damage by creating a wet, cool, humid environment. Rooftop sprinklers can be activated in seconds, and they will continue to operate on their own, as long as the water is flowing and the sprinklers are working. The residents can evacuate and leave the sprinklers running.

Feel free to call us and learn more about rooftop sprinklers today. Next time there are wildfires, you will be able to do more than JUST keep your fingers crossed. Iron Owl Rooftop Sprinklers have a 10-year warranty.

Iron Owl Sprinkler are designed to not blow away in 60 mph winds.

Positioning sprinklers is fairly straightforward, and connecting them can be as simple or as elaborate as you like. Many people connect the sprinklers with just a garden hose, while others use copper pipe and braided steel hoses for a more professional look. The basic premise is that the water needs to get from the hose bib to the sprinklers so that the water can be turned on as soon as fire is detected, or as a preventative measure.

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No sprinkler system or similar device can protect buildings or the occupants of buildings from wildfires. This sprinkler system will distribute water over your property if it is installed correctly, activated in advance, and assuming water is flowing to the sprinklers. Rooftop sprinklers will continue to operate without supervision. Always immediately evacuate a building in case of fire. Never stay inside a building in case of fire. Always evacuate based on instructions from government authorities. If properly installed and operated in accordance with the applicable instructions, a sprinkler will reduce the risks posed by ember attack. Sprinklers will not protect buildings or their occupants from the direct flame or radiant heat of a wildfire. Purchasers install and operate sprinklers at their own risk and release and indemnify the manufacturers and suppliers of sprinklers, along with their directors, officers, servants, agents, employees, and assigns, from and against all actual, direct, indirect, or alleged claims, damages, demands, losses, costs, liabilities, suits, actions, expenses, or proceedings, whether arising under any statute or at common law, arising out of or in connection with injury to (including illness) or death of any person, or damage to or destruction of any real or personal property caused directly or indirectly by or in connection with the manufacture, supply, installation, operation, or performance of sprinklers. The manufacturer is not responsible for adequate water flow to the sprinklers in any event, such as, but not limited to, if the water supply is turned off or if there is a lack of water pressure.